I have this playbook, and it’s not working. what I want to do is that I want to apply the specific tag or tags for the ec2 instance to the attached ebs volumes. form the amazon.aws.ec2_instance_info:
I get the all information for the ec2 and then with
"{{ item | flatten | map(attribute='block_device_mappings') | flatten | map(attribute='ebs') | flatten | map(attribute='volume_id') }}"
we can extract the volume ids, but it return the list of ids like below
how to make sure for each loop it choose one of the volume id and passed it to amazon.aws.ec2_tag:
thanks for your help
- name: Ansible Test Playbook
gather_facts: false
hosts: localhost
- vars/regions.yaml
- name: Gather information about all instances
region: "{{ item }}"
register: instance_info
loop: "{{ region }}"
- name: Copy tags from EC2 to EBS
region: us-east-1
resource: "{{ item | flatten | map(attribute='block_device_mappings') | flatten | map(attribute='ebs') | flatten | map(attribute='volume_id') }}"
state: present
"team": "{{ item | flatten | map(attribute='tags') | flatten | map(attribute='team') | join }}"
loop: "{{ instance_info.results | map(attribute='instances') }}"
Thank you so much @Vladimir Botka it is working finally, now I have only one problem, at the beginning of the playbook I defined the
and that file contains the list of regions like below
now how to use the region in the
instead of hardcoding the region name!
Q: "Each loop passes one of the volume ids to amazon.aws.ec2_tag"
A: Declare volume_ids and teams (the same way you do it in the loop) and use them in the task
(not tested)