I am creating a new application (PHP) using Elastic beanstalk wizard. I get the following:
Failed to launch environment.
Service:Amazon S3, Message:The bucket does not allow ACLs
Then the application fails to be created.
I am creating a new application (PHP) using Elastic beanstalk wizard. I get the following:
Failed to launch environment.
Service:Amazon S3, Message:The bucket does not allow ACLs
Then the application fails to be created.
I just had this problem and had to resolve it. Apparently as of April 2023, AWS changed their bucket policies: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/userguide/about-object-ownership.html. You must enable bucket ACL’s on the S3 bucket before this will work. Steps to do do this.
In my case, i was creating my first Elastic Beanstalk environment. Since AWS no longer creates the
EC2 role for us (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/elasticbeanstalk/latest/dg/iam-instanceprofile.html), I had to create it manually. Note that the name of the role is case-sensitive.