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Im unable to start a Port Forwarding Session To Remote Host (or simply remote session) on a fargate ecs container, yet can do so on an instance. Using AWS console (thats the website based and not shell based) I cant seem to figure out what settings are needed.

Working (instance remote session):

aws ssm start-session 
--target i-{instance} 
--region {region} 
--profile {profile} 
--document-name AWS-StartPortForwardingSessionToRemoteHost 
--parameters '{"portNumber":["22"],"localPortNumber":["9999"],"host":["{host}"]}'

Not working the same on on a conatiner:

aws ssm start-session 
--target ecs:{clusterName}_{taskId}_{containerRuntimeId} 
--region {region} 
--profile {profile} 
--document-name AWS-StartPortForwardingSessionToRemoteHost 
--parameters '{"portNumber":["22"],"localPortNumber":["9999"],"host":["{PrivateIPofClusterTask}"]}'

Any idea?

I even created a iam policy and attached to the iam roles that run the specific service and tasks inside ecs cluster.

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    Ive actually figured it out, It involves the following steps:

    1. ECS Task Definition: Add SSH's port to portMappings

    2. ECS Cluster Service: Ensure it using the Task Definition's latest "Revision" you just created. Restart the Task as well.

    3. IAM Policy:

      • Create a new policy for the StartSSHSession document
      • Add various items under condition (for added security)
      • Attach the Roles running the Task to this policy
    4. SSM into the container, the target is "ecs:{clusterName}_{taskId}_{containerRuntimeId}"

      • aws ssm start-session with target and profile only. No need for document and parameters.
      • install start sshd
      • create a user, for e.g. loremIpsumUser (only allow specific access to this user for added security)
      • (only allow this user to use ssh for added security)
    5. SSH from your system. Here is a ssh config item, it uses ProxyCommand:

    Host loremIpsumSSHProfile
        HostName loremIpsumSite
        User loremIpsumUser
        ProxyCommand sh -c "aws sso login --profile {myProfile}; aws ssm start-session --target {myTarget} --profile {myProfile} --document-name AWS-StartSSHSession"

    You could obviously just use SSM, but the remote debugging tools such xdebugger would need SSH (as far as I can tell).

  2. Because it is ECS Fargate, you better use Amazon ECS Exec.

    aws ecs execute-command 
        --cluster ${YOUR_CLUSTER_NAME} 
        --task ${YOUR_TASK_ID} 
        --container ${YOUR_CONTAINER_NAME} 
        --command "/bin/sh"

    There are some considerations and prerequisites, please read them carefully and ensure that the Session Manager plugin is installed.

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