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I’m new to Bash scripting and would like to test extracting a data, my plan is to extract data to a .txt file base on the aws query from .sh file (bashscript). I have a bigger purpose but I want to have this work first before i input my main aws query.

I have a .sh script here below.

NOTE: I put all values to -confidential- without any quotations. Just the value


variables () {

queryId=$(aws logs start-query --log-group-name $lambdas --start-time 1695704400 --end-time 1695707999 --query-string 'filter @message like "requestId" | parse @message "operationName: '*'," as API | parse @message "status: *," as Status | parse @message "channel: '*'," as Channel | stats count(*) as Total by API,Channel,Status | sort API,Total desc' | jq '.queryId' | awk -F '"' '{print $2}')

results=$(aws logs get-query-results --query-id $queryId | jq .)

echo "$results" > testextract5.txt

Whenever I run that .sh file, this is the result .txt below:

  "results": [],
  "statistics": {
    "recordsMatched": 0,
    "recordsScanned": 0,
    "bytesScanned": 0
  "status": "Running"

BUT when I manually copy paste each command from .sh file all the bash script in the git-bash command line, it works! See below:

jomasangkay@DESKTOP-R1DM530:/mnt/c/Users/personal pc/Desktop/company/Bashscript/test$ queryId=$(aws logs start-query --log-group-name $lambdas --start-time 1695704400 --end-time 1695707999 --query-string 'filter @message like "requestId" | parse @message "operationName: '*'," as API | parse @message "status: *," as Status | parse @message "channel: '*'" as Channel | stats count(*) as Total by API,Channel,Status | sort API,Total desc' | jq '.queryId' | awk -F '"' '{print $2}')
jomasangkay@DESKTOP-R1DM530:/mnt/c/Users/personal pc/Desktop/company/Bashscript/test$ results=$(aws logs get-query-results --query-id $queryId | jq .)
jomasangkay@DESKTOP-R1DM530:/mnt/c/Users/personal pc/Desktop/company/Bashscript/test$ echo "$results" > testextract5.txt

RESULT extracted .txt below,

        "field": "API",
        "value": "'Confidential'"
        "field": "Channel",
        "value": "'Confidential'"
        "field": "Status",
        "value": "Confidential"
        "field": "Total",
        "value": "1"
  "statistics": {
    "recordsMatched": 16507,
    "recordsScanned": 69000,
    "bytesScanned": 29835564
  "status": "Complete"

Action taken/Future Plan:

I tried to troubleshoot and used a bash -x but I don’t see any issue at all. I tried to rollback to wsl version 1, installed latest update of aws cli. None of it works. Is there something wrong with my script?

I’m expecting that when I run the .sh file, there should be the expected data like the above .txt RESULT. My main purpose creating this bash script is because AWS Cloudwatch Log insights has a limitation related to lambda , so i plan to create a bash script , using array in $lambda . This post is for my trial and error only. I need to make this work to move forward.


Tried the double quotation for $lambda and $queryId, same result no data. below

jomasangkay@DESKTOP-R1DM530:/mnt/c/Users/personal pc/Desktop/company/Bashscript/test$ bash -x
+ variables
+ lambdas=confidential
++ jq .queryId
++ awk -F '"' '{print $2}'
++ aws logs start-query --log-group-name confidential --start-time 1695704400 --end-time 1695707999 --query-string 'filter @message like "requestId" | parse @message "operationName: *," as API | parse @message "status: *," as Status | parse @message "channel: *," as Channel | stats count(*) as Total by API,Channel,Status | sort API,Total desc'
+ queryId=0f6c6fd6-da5e-40ed-9c74-ad22791455be
++ aws logs get-query-results --query-id 0f6c6fd6-da5e-40ed-9c74-ad22791455be
++ jq .
+ results='{
  "results": [],
  "statistics": {
    "recordsMatched": 0,
    "recordsScanned": 0,
    "bytesScanned": 0
  "status": "Running"
+ echo '{
  "results": [],
  "statistics": {
    "recordsMatched": 0,
    "recordsScanned": 0,
    "bytesScanned": 0
  "status": "Running"


Updated as of Oct 3, 2023 – 05:15 AM SINGAPORE TIME

I isolated the issue by creating a 2 .txt file called test1.txt and test2.txt , and their contents below,


As you can see above they have the exact same value (no spaces, no unusual text or whatsoever.)

See may new modified code below,


variables () {


queryId=$(aws logs start-query --log-group-name "$lambdas" --start-time 1695704400 --end-time 1695707999 --query-string 'filter @message like "requestId"' | jq '.queryId' | awk -F '"' '{print $2}')

echo $queryId > test1.txt

echo c86c7f6b-95e4-4d17-9417-2f6987989316 > test2.txt

queryIds=$(awk '{print $1}' test2.txt)

results=$(aws logs get-query-results --query-id $queryIds | jq .)

echo "$results" > testextract.txt

When i assigned the variable from test1.txt, its not working no data extracted.

When i assigned the variable from test2.txt, its working as expected.

For some reason, looks like the value from test1.txt query id converted to somewhat special character, im not sure.



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    I was able to resolve my issue. It was due to the bash script runs too fast, that the aws script was not able to finish its process or get its data. So I tried to put a sleep command for 5 seconds first to check if really that's the case. Then yes, that was the issue, so i'll just put a condition statement instead of sleep... Thank you all for your suggestion and I learned a lot from you guys.

  2. The problem is probably this part:

    queryId=$(aws ... 'filter ... operationName: '*', ... channel: '*', ...' | ...)
                                                 ^^^               ^^^

    That is, you cannot embed single-quotes within a single-quoted expression.

    You need to end the single-quoted expression, add a single-quote, and then start another single-quoted expression, like this:

    queryId=$(aws ... 'filter ... operationName: '"'*'"', ... channel: '"'*'"', ...' | ...)
                                                 ^ ending the previous single-quoted expression
                                                  ^^^^^ a double-quoted expression
                                                       ^ starting a new single-quoted expression

    Fixing the line in the posted code:

    queryId=$(aws logs start-query --log-group-name "$lambdas" --start-time 1695704400 --end-time 1695707999 --query-string 'filter @message like "requestId" | parse @message "operationName: '"'*'"'," as API | parse @message "status: *," as Status | parse @message "channel: '"'*'"'," as Channel | stats count(*) as Total by API,Channel,Status | sort API,Total desc' | jq '.queryId' | awk -F '"' '{print $2}')
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