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I am following to connect to Athena from VS 2022 C# using AWSSDK.Athena.

In C# code var result = await _client.StartQueryExecutionAsync(queryRequest)
, I am getting the below error.

"You are not authorized to perform: athena:StartQueryExecution on the resource. After your AWS administrator or you have updated your permissions, please try again."

When I query on AWS Athena, I need to switch the Role to say "myRole", and also need to switch the Workgroup from primary to another Workgroup, say "mycompany-workgroup", then I can run the query successfully.
If I don’t switch the workgroup to "mycompany-workgroup", I am getting a similar error

"You are not authorized to perform: athena:GetWorkGroup on the resource. After your AWS administrator or you have updated your permissions, please try again."

How in my C# code can I switch Role to "myRole" ?

        _client = new AmazonAthenaClient(Amazon.RegionEndpoint.USEast1);

    var queryRequest = new StartQueryExecutionRequest
        QueryString = "SELECT * from myDB.myTable",

        QueryExecutionContext = new QueryExecutionContext()
            Database = "myDB"
        WorkGroup = "myWorkgroup"

Thank you



  1. In StartQueryExecutionRequest class, there is WorkGroup property. You can use that property to specify the name of the workgroup in which you want to run the query.

    Reference – StartQueryExecutionRequest : AmazonAthenaRequest

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  2. I got an Athena query working with .NET Service Client (V3). See the output here:

    enter image description here

    Here is the .NET code that works. Make sure you specify you bucket name, etc to get this program to work successfully. Notice you can specify the working group on the StartQueryExecutionRequest object. For more information, see How workgroups work.

    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Threading.Tasks;
    using Amazon;
    using Amazon.Athena;
    using Amazon.Athena.Model;
    using Amazon.Runtime;
    namespace AthenaDotNet
        class StartQueryExample
            //  Demonstrates how to query a table with a comma-separated value (CSV) table.
            //  For information, see
            public static int CLIENT_EXECUTION_TIMEOUT = 100000;
            public static string ATHENA_OUTPUT_BUCKET = "s3://<MYBUCKET>"; // change the Amazon S3 bucket name to match your environment
            public static string ATHENA_SAMPLE_QUERY = "SELECT * FROM <BUCKET>;"; // change the Query statement to match your environment
            public static long SLEEP_AMOUNT_IN_MS = 1000;
            public static string ATHENA_DEFAULT_DATABASE = "mydatabase"; // change the database to match your database
            static async Task Main(string[] args)
                // Set up the credentials using Environment Variables
                var credentials = new EnvironmentVariablesAWSCredentials();
                var athenaClient = new AmazonAthenaClient(credentials,RegionEndpoint.USWest2);
                string queryExecutionId = await SubmitAthenaQuery(athenaClient);
                await WaitForQueryToComplete(athenaClient, queryExecutionId);
                await ProcessResultRows(athenaClient, queryExecutionId);
            // Submits a sample query to Amazon Athena and returns the execution ID of the query.
            static async Task<string> SubmitAthenaQuery(AmazonAthenaClient athenaClient)
                    // The QueryExecutionContext allows us to set the database.
                    var queryExecutionContext = new QueryExecutionContext
                        Database = ATHENA_DEFAULT_DATABASE
                    // The result configuration specifies where the results of the query should go.
                    var resultConfiguration = new ResultConfiguration
                        OutputLocation = ATHENA_OUTPUT_BUCKET
                    var startQueryExecutionRequest = new StartQueryExecutionRequest
                    QueryString = ATHENA_SAMPLE_QUERY,
                    QueryExecutionContext = queryExecutionContext,
                    ResultConfiguration = resultConfiguration,
                    WorkGroup = "MyGroup"
                    var startQueryExecutionResponse = await athenaClient.StartQueryExecutionAsync(startQueryExecutionRequest);
                    return startQueryExecutionResponse.QueryExecutionId;
                catch (AmazonAthenaException e)
                    Console.WriteLine("Error submitting query: " + e.Message);
            // Wait for an Amazon Athena query to complete, fail, or be canceled.
            static async Task WaitForQueryToComplete(AmazonAthenaClient athenaClient, string queryExecutionId)
                var getQueryExecutionRequest = new GetQueryExecutionRequest
                    QueryExecutionId = queryExecutionId
                bool isQueryStillRunning = true;
                while (isQueryStillRunning)
                    var getQueryExecutionResponse = await athenaClient.GetQueryExecutionAsync(getQueryExecutionRequest);
                    var queryState = getQueryExecutionResponse.QueryExecution.Status.State;
                    if (queryState == QueryExecutionState.FAILED)
                        throw new Exception("The Amazon Athena query failed to run with error message: " + getQueryExecutionResponse.QueryExecution.Status.StateChangeReason);
                    else if (queryState == QueryExecutionState.CANCELLED)
                        throw new Exception("The Amazon Athena query was cancelled.");
                    else if (queryState == QueryExecutionState.SUCCEEDED)
                        isQueryStillRunning = false;
                        // Sleep an amount of time before retrying again.
                        await Task.Delay(CLIENT_EXECUTION_TIMEOUT);
                    Console.WriteLine("The current status is: " + queryState);
            // This code retrieves the results of a query.
            static async Task ProcessResultRows(AmazonAthenaClient athenaClient, string queryExecutionId)
                    // Max Results can be set but if it's not set,
                    // it will choose the maximum page size.
                    var getQueryResultsRequest = new GetQueryResultsRequest
                        QueryExecutionId = queryExecutionId
                    var getQueryResultsResponse = await athenaClient.GetQueryResultsAsync(getQueryResultsRequest);
                    var resultSet = getQueryResultsResponse.ResultSet;
                    var columnInfoList = resultSet.ResultSetMetadata.ColumnInfo;
                    var results = resultSet.Rows;
                    ProcessRow(results, columnInfoList);
                catch (AmazonAthenaException e)
                    Console.WriteLine("Error processing result rows: " + e.Message);
            static void ProcessRow(List<Row> rows, List<ColumnInfo> columnInfoList)
                foreach (var row in rows)
                    var allData = row.Data;
                    foreach (var data in allData)
                        Console.WriteLine("The value of the column is " + data.VarCharValue);
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