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I currently have an Express.js server hosted on a Lambda. I am already able to read/GET data from the table, with

app.get("/profile/general", async function (req, res) {
  const params = {
    TableName: "users",
    Key: {
      id: `${req.user.sub}`,

  try {
    let userObj = await docClient.get(params).promise();
    res.json({ "data": userObj });
  } catch (err) {
    console.log("error: ", err); 
    res.json({ "error": err });

However, I am stuck researching the best/easiest way to do partial updates for items in DynamoDB (like objects in my "users" table).

I do not want to use a PUT method, because I don’t want to replace the whole existing user object. and what would the syntax look like? This is what I have so far —

app.patch("/profile/general", async function (req, res) {
  const params = {
    TableName: "users",
    Key: {
      id: `${req.user.sub}`,
    UpdateExpression: "set age = req.body.age",
    UpdateExpression: "set country =",
    UpdateExpression: "set skills = req.body.skills",
    ReturnValues: "ALL_NEW",

  try {
    let newUserObj = await docClient.UpdateItem(params).promise(); 
    res.json({ "newData": newUserObj });
  } catch (err){
    console.log("error: ", err); 
    res.json({ "error": err });

Is this the correct way to do a partial update with UpdateItem, passing in the necessary items to multiple "UpdateExpression" key-value pairs? The docs are a bit confusing on this.



  1. Here is how you should update attributes for your DynamoDB record.

    const params = {
        TableName: "users",
        Key: {
          id: `${req.user.sub}`,
        UpdateExpression : "SET age = :age, country = :country, skills = :skills"
        ExpressionAttributeValues: {
            ':age': req.body.age,
            ':skills': req.body.skills
        ReturnValues: "ALL_NEW",

    In the above code, you define the values as :<expression-attribute>, and later in ExpressionAttributeValues, you provide the actual values for those attributes.

    To learn more, refer AWS documentation at Update expressions.

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  2. It’s one UpdateExpression per update, where you specify all of the updates.

    app.patch("/profile/general", async function (req, res) {
      const params = {
        TableName: "users",
        Key: {
          id: `${req.user.sub}`,
        UpdateExpression: `set age = ${req.body.age}, country = ${}, skills = ${req.body.skills}`,
        ReturnValues: "ALL_NEW",
      try {
        let newUserObj = await docClient.UpdateItem(params).promise(); 
        res.json({ "newData": newUserObj });
      } catch (err){
        console.log("error: ", err); 
        res.json({ "error": err });
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