I’m trying to deploy a lambda function using s3 in terraform(v1.8.1). I named s3 bucket there however, I couldn’t add s3_key as i got an error saying it is not expected there.
following is my code
module "lambda_function"{
source = "terraform-aws-modules/lambda/aws"
local_existing_package = "${path.root}/${module.package.local_filename}"
function_name = local.name
description = var.lambda_description
handler = var.lambda_handler
runtime = "nodejs20.x"
store_on_s3 = true
s3_bucket = var.lambda_s3_bucket
For this I’m getting "s3_bucket": only one of filename,image_uri,s3_bucket
can be specified, but filename,s3_bucket
were specified.I tried to add nulls for filename,image_uri
it also didn’t work. Please let me know how to fix this.
this error was due to local_existing_package
You cannot use
as that is a local variable which is derived, among other variables, froms3_prefix
. So you would need to uses3_prefix