Please can you help me. I try to connect to postgres database in AWS.
I set up the dBeaver but still i get the timeout.
RDS Settings
VPC Settings
Security group
Settings in dBeaver
Maybe the problem is there, but how i can change the GRANT if i have no access to db
Yes, unfortunatelly i have checked a lot of times and i think it is corect.
RDS Settings with Networking
Subnet Settings
As you use Postgresql 16 RDS might require you to use SSL to connect to your DB.
The default rds.force_ssl parameter is set to 1 (on) for RDS for PostgreSQL version 15.
Check this parameter if your RDS requires to use of SSL.
How to connect with SSL or disable this restriction you can find here in docs –
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Yes, unfortunatelly i have checked a lot of times and i think it is corect.
RDS Settings with Networking
VPC Settings
Subnet Settings
Security group
As you use Postgresql 16 RDS might require you to use SSL to connect to your DB.
Check this parameter if your RDS requires to use of SSL.
How to connect with SSL or disable this restriction you can find here in docs –