I am trying to deploy an aws_ecs_task_definition
with two containers that share an EBS volume. Terraform will successfully run the deployment and update the task/container definitions but port_mappings
and mount_points
are never present in the container definitions when view in AWS.
locals {
volume_name = "ebs_test"
resource "aws_ebs_volume" "ebs_test" {
availability_zone = "zone"
size = 51
tags = {
Name = local.volume_name
data "aws_ecr_image" "container_1_image" {
repository_name = "Container1"
image_tag = "latest"
data "aws_ecr_image" "container_2_image" {
repository_name = "Container2"
image_tag = "latest"
resource "aws_ecs_task_definition" "test_task" {
family = "container_family"
requires_compatibilities = ["EC2"]
execution_role_arn = aws_iam_role.ecs_task_execution_role.arn
task_role_arn = aws_iam_role.execution_role.arn
placement_constraints {
type = "memberOf"
expression = "ec2InstanceId == ${module.instance.instance_id}"
volume {
name = local.volume_name
docker_volume_configuration {
scope = "shared"
autoprovision = true
driver = "rexray/ebs"
container_definitions = jsonencode([
name = "Container1"
memory = 256
essential = true
image = "${var.account_id}.dkr.ecr.${var.region}.amazonaws.com/${data.aws_ecr_image.container_1_image.repository_name}:latest@${data.aws_ecr_image.container_1_image.image_digest}"
mount_points = [
container_path = "/mnt/${local.volume_name}"
source_volume = local.volume_name
port_mappings = [
host_port = 80
container_port = 80
name = "Container2"
memory = 256
image = "${var.account_id}.dkr.ecr.${var.region}.amazonaws.com/${data.aws_ecr_image.container_2_image.repository_name}:latest@${data.aws_ecr_image.container_2_image.image_digest}"
mount_points = [
source_volume = local.volume_name
container_path = "/mnt/${local.volume_name}"
port_mappings = [
host_port = 80
container_port = 80
This is what is always present in the task JSON pulled from AWS:
"portMappings": [],
"mountPoints": [],
Terraform apparently isn’t seeing the port_mappings
or mount_points
properties being set when checking terraform plan
~ container_definitions = jsonencode(
~ [
~ {
- cpu = 0
~ memory = 256 -> 512
- mountPoints = []
name = "Container1"
- portMappings = []
- systemControls = []
- volumesFrom = []
# (4 unchanged attributes hidden)
~ {
- cpu = 0
- mountPoints = []
name = "Container2"
- portMappings = []
- systemControls = []
- volumesFrom = []
# (5 unchanged attributes hidden)
] # forces replacement
I have been trying to use this GitHub repo is a reference: https://github.com/markgllin/ecs_with_ebs
What am I missing?
Apparently it was simply the format for the strings. They needed to be camel-case and not under bar style.
etc.You are using the names
in your Terraform code, but Terraform is looking for the namesmountPoints
(as you can see in the Terraform plan output).