I’m working on a python code to use the Boto3SDK to speak with AWS but i have some error, i’m a newbie in python.
This is the code :
import logging
from botocore.exceptions import ClientError
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class AutoScalingWrapper:
def __init__(self, autoscaling_client):
self.autoscaling_client = autoscaling_client
def describe_group(self, group_name):
response = self.autoscaling_client.describe_auto_scaling_groups(
except ClientError as err:
"Couldn't describe group %s. Here's why: %s: %s", group_name,
err.response['Error']['Code'], err.response['Error']['Message'])
groups = response.get('AutoScalingGroups', [])
return groups[0] if len(groups) > 0 else None
This is how i try to use it :
from main import AutoScalingWrapper
u = AutoScalingWrapper("ASGName")
But it result an error :
line 4, in <module>
TypeError: AutoScalingWrapper.describe_group() missing 1 required positional argument: 'group_name'
Anyone can help me please ?
execute python code to use the Boto3SDK with AWS
i have tried to do what you said but it doesn't work. And i already did that in the past with your example, for exemple :
That's works, but i don't want to do that, i want to use the AWS exemple code but it did't work, can you explain how to use it please ?
This is what i'm speaking (with class and 2 def) : https://docs.aws.amazon.com/code-library/latest/ug/python_3_auto-scaling_code_examples.html (Get information about groups)
I ask it because i don't found any information on the internet how to :(
You have 2 problems.
is expecting a client as an argument, and you are passing a string. I strongly suggest type hints to prevent this.Second, you are missing the group name in
, so you need something likeCheck the docs for more details: https://boto3.amazonaws.com/v1/documentation/api/latest/reference/services/autoscaling/client/describe_auto_scaling_groups.html