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I need to install (and utilize) AWS CLI, which requires Python 3.8 or higher. My Catalina Mac has 2.7.16.

I installed 3.12 via the link at I see when running the IDLE app that comes with it that I’m at 3.12.4 but terminal still thinks I’m running 2.7.16.

I see various warnings to not change the default version of Python running in Mac OS.

When I attempt to install AWS CLI it tells me my version of Python is unsupported and I need to use 3.8+.

I’m unsure how to proceed. Is there a way for AWS CLI to use the newly installed 3.12 rather than the default OS 2.7 version?



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    It turns out my search for "Install AWS CLI on Mac" led me to Amazon's guide for AWS CLI v1. I didn't even realize there was a v2 until I read @OneCricketeer's comment above.

    The v2 install was a whole different story. Downloadable installer, which seems to have also installed the necessary version of Python. It's working fine now.

    Thanks for getting me pointed in the right direction!

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