I had a domain on AWS Route 53 and transferred it to another account.
I had to manually create a new hosted zone for it that had a different NS then the original, so I went to the original account, copied the NS and pasted on the new hosted zone.
The issue is that now the record is showing the proper value, but if I go to "Hosted zone details" it still show the old value.
Do I need to do anything else or just wait for it to propagage? I see the TTL for it is 48 hours. It’s been almost 48 hours by now though and still showing up the old value.
Without it I guess I can’t do much with my domain. I found out about this issue when I tried to verify the domain with SES.
You can check to see if it propagated with this https://www.whatsmydns.net/
Also you can check the domain registrar just in case.
AWS doesn’t recommend that you change NS in record. Refer to this documentation – https://docs.aws.amazon.com/Route53/latest/DeveloperGuide/SOA-NSrecords.html
To use the new hosted zone, you need to use NS provided for new hosted zone.