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Trying to create a AWS Elastic Beanstalk app with Docker running on 64bit Amazon Linux 2023/4.3.8, using pretty much default settings on most configuration settings, like these:

  • IMDSv1 Deactivated
  • Environment type Single instance
  • Availability Zones Any
  • Fleet composition On-Demand instance
  • Instance types t3.micro
  • On-demand base 0
  • Proxy server nginx

The environment does not want to start though while I am seeing these error events:

  1. Creating Auto Scaling launch configuration failed Reason: Resource
    handler returned message: "The Launch Configuration creation
    operation is not available in your account. Use launch templates to
    create configuration templates for your Auto Scaling groups.
    (Service: AutoScaling, Status Code: 400, Request ID:
    e4a071d6-34d4-411f-92da-6d19cf888015)" (RequestToken:
    a2c39556-2bdd-3403-341a-1679bcb4a272, HandlerErrorCode:

  2. Stack named ‘awseb-e-ex3sx4wzyp-stack’ aborted operation. Current state: ‘CREATE_FAILED’ Reason: The following resource(s)
    failed to create: [AWSEBAutoScalingLaunchConfiguration].

  3. Service:AmazonCloudFormation, Message:Resource AWSEBAutoScalingGroup does not exist for stack

The user has admin rights. Any help appreciated ๐Ÿ™‚

EDIT: I did follow an advice and added autoscaling:CreateLaunchConfiguration permission to the user that creates the app. The problem persists.



  1. Maybe this will help. It helped me solve the same problem, only I don’t use Doker.


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  2. I had the same issue and what worked for me after trying for days was to:

    DisableIMDSv1: true

    Setting RootVolumeType to: gp3

    I hope that helps

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