I have uploaded an object with the
client = boto3.client('s3', aws_access_key_id=AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID,
response = client.put_object(
Bucket=BUCKET_NAME, Body=in_mem_file.getvalue(), Key=str(img_name))
and I’m generating the URL by
url = client.generate_presigned_url('get_object', Params={
'Bucket': BUCKET_NAME, 'Key': str(img_name)}, ExpiresIn=518400)
I need to generate the URL without expiring in some cases. Is it possible to generate url without expiring in s3 bucket?
Its not possible. If you don’t want to regenerate links every 7 days, then you have to look at other solutions for sharing S3 files. Often CloudFront with S3 is used. Otherwise, you need fully custom solution tailored to your specific need.
If the object is public, it has a permanent url of the form:
Otherwise, you cannot have a permanent link.