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I have list of executionArn of stepfunction execution, I am filtering those executionArn by status == 'FAILED'.

Now, how can I get the exact failure of the stepfunction in Python, (meaning: at which point the execution has failed)?



  1. You can do something like this:

    import boto3
    import jmespath
    client = boto3.client('stepfunctions')
    full_result = (
        .paginate(arn=<your arn>)
    exn_failed_event ='events[?type==`ExecutionFailed`]', full_result)

    The exn_failed_event dictionary will look something like this

        'executionFailedEventDetails': {
               'An error occurred while executing '
               "the state 'Lambda Invoke' (entered "
               'at the event id #4). Invalid path '
               "'$.foo' : No results for path: "
             'error': 'States.Runtime'
        'id': 11,
        'previousEventId': 0,
        'timestamp': datetime.datetime(2022, 7, 11, 19, 0, 24, 2000, tzinfo=tzlocal()),
        'type': 'ExecutionFailed'
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  2. Based on this issue in boto3 repository, it looks like there is a search method that you can call on an iterator object.

    So your actual code could be simplified — and gather less unneeded data — to:

    import boto3
    failed_events = boto3.client('stepfunctions')
      .paginate(arn=<your arn>)
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