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Im trying to list the image tags from ECR repo using below command on windows

aws ecr list-images --repository-name plat   | jq '.imageIds   | map (.imageTag)  | sort | .[]'   | sort -r   | head -1

I installed jq utility , however , it says 'map' is not recognized as an internal or external command,

i tried lot finding map utility for windows but did not get . how can I make this entire command work on windows ? it worked perfectly on linux.

any workaround ?
do we have any equivalent command on windows ? please suggest


on windows

C:UsersikDownloads>aws ecr list-images --repository-name plat   | jq '.imageIds   | map (.imageTag)  | sort | .[]'   | sort -r   | head -1
'map' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
PS C:UsersikDownloads>

on linux

root@CSX-Ik:~# aws ecr list-images --repository-name plat | jq '.imageIds | map (.imageTag)|sort|.[]' | sort -r | head -1


PS C:UsersikDownloads> aws ecr list-images --repository-name plat
    "imageIds": [
            "imageDigest": "sha256:5fd06c0b6c6349324343232432429e8bf6b1ce62d810c2eef1eca",
            "imageTag": "20230421.001"
            "imageDigest": "sha256:d7a28e9e62c5465465465469080eeae6a8308c99ec032a845119202f6d427ef8",
            "imageTag": "33345.1"
            "imageDigest": "sha256:681ae17a52a4c673cc8c62d50823432432432432432432497789879c37a4",
            "imageTag": "3445.2"
            "imageDigest": "sha256:ff7090d214ac72334323243209809809803e8af",
            "imageTag": "33456.1"

after putting map equivalent

C:UsersikDownloads>aws ecr list-images --repository-name plat   | jq '.imageIds   | [.[]   | .imageTag]   | sort | .[]'   | sort -r   | head -1
'[.[]' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
PS C:UsersikDownloads> 



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    here is the command on windows

    For Windows :

    powershell.exe aws ecr list-images --repository-name <repo-name> | jq '.imageIds | map (.imageTag) | sort | reverse | first'"

    same is mentioned here

  2. Use the built in --query parameter of AWS cli. So this is what you need:

    aws ecr list-images --repository-name plat --query 'imageIds[].imageTag' --output text
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