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I have created many different AWS resources with terraform such as ECS, VPC, EC2, opensearch…
I’m in a debugging phase and I need to frequently create/destroy dozens of resources besides opensearch (I don’t want to destroy opensearch because it’s very slow to create/delete)

I used "terraform state rm " to remove opensearch from state management, but it associated a security group:

resource "aws_security_group" "opensearch" {
  name   = "${terraform.workspace}-opensearch"
  vpc_id = local.vpc_id

I used "terraform state rm " again to remove this sg from state, but after that when I run terraform apply, terraform still seems to be trying to create this sg:

Error: creating Security Group (default-opensearch): InvalidGroup.Duplicate: The security group 'default-opensearch' already exists for VPC 'xxxxx'



  1. I usually three or four separate deployments with their own code directories and their own state files, categorized by how often I might want/need to create and destroy the objects and the relative cost of recreating them.

    1. setup – things that need set up before everything else: e.g. SES, VPC, secrets
    2. database: databases their ancillary resources. Database might take ten minutes to create but could take hours/days to reload.
    3. storage: s3 buckets, EFS. Ephemeral-ish, can rapidly recreate but would be annoying and often unnecessary.
    4. application: everything else.

    If I need the results of one apply as input to the next, I’ll either use a resource’s data block, or a terraform_remote_state data block.

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  2. I faced an issue where Terraform was trying to create a security group that already existed. Here’s how I resolved the problem:

    1. Verify the Existing Security Group:

    Firstly, I checked if the security group already existed in my AWS environment. I used the AWS Management Console, but you can also use the AWS CLI with the command:

    aws ec2 describe-security-groups --group-names default-opensearch

    2. Delete the Security Group Manually:

    Since the security group existed, I deleted it manually. This can be done using the AWS Management Console or the AWS CLI:

    aws ec2 delete-security-group --group-name default-opensearch

    3. Update Terraform Configuration:

    I then updated my Terraform configuration to prevent it from trying to create the same security group again. Here’s the updated code:

    resource "aws_security_group" "opensearch" {
      name   = "${terraform.workspace}-opensearch-${random_string.suffix.result}"
      vpc_id = local.vpc_id
    resource "random_string" "suffix" {
      length  = 8
      special = false

    This configuration adds a random suffix to the security group name, avoiding any naming conflicts in the future.

    Re-import the Resource if Necessary:

    If I wanted to keep the existing security group but manage it with Terraform again, I would re-import it into the state using:

    terraform import aws_security_group.opensearch <security_group_id>

    Apply Terraform Changes:

    Finally, I ran terraform apply again to create any new resources. This time, Terraform did not attempt to recreate the existing security group, and everything worked as expected.

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