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I have an S3 bucket where each folder in the root contains a website with the folder name being the website url. I have a Cloudfront distribution with this bucket as an origin and a Lambda Edge function associated with the distribution for origin requests. In the function I want to take the original requested url and add it to the origin request as the path key for the S3 bucket. How can I do this?

In the event request I see these fields:

'origin': {'custom': {'customHeaders': {}, 'domainName': '<bucketName>', 'keepaliveTimeout': 5, 'path': '', 'port': 80, 'protocol': 'http', 'readTimeout': 30, 'sslProtocols': ['TLSv1', 'SSLv3']}}, 'querystring': '', 'uri': '/'

I have tried setting the original requested url as the path in [‘origin’][‘custom’], as the querystring or uri, and appending it to the domainName in [‘origin’][‘custom’], but none have worked. Adding as a querystring or uri returned ‘The specified bucket does not exist’, adding as path returned ‘Invalid path’, and adding to domainName returned ‘Invalid domainName’.

Thanks for the help!



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    The solution to my problem was setting the original requested url (the S3 bucket path) as the uri in the request, as mentioned by @vpereira. In addition, I was getting the original requested url by forwarding the Host Header to the origin request, so I needed to change the host header back to the url for the S3 bucket once I retrieved the original requested url. The second part is described more here.

    Code solution:

    def lambda_handler(event, context):
         request = event['Records'][0]['cf']['request']
         # Get original host header
         requested_url = request['headers']['host'][0]['value']
         # Set original host header as uri
         request['uri'] = '/' + requested_url + request['uri']
         # Set host header to bucket url
         request['headers']['host'][0]['value'] = '<bucketName>.s3-website-<region>'
         return request

  2. If I understood your question correctly, I think you’re modifying the wrong field.
    The place that needs changing inside of the event is not origin, but request.
    Basically you need to change uri inside of event['Records'][0]['cf']['request'], and then return request

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