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I have shared a database called ingest between account A (Source) and account B (Target). Once shared I went on Resource Access Manager on account B and accepted the share request. I can now see the database on Lake Formation (Console) under Permissions -> Data lake permissions, but for some reason I cannot see it listed under databases. When I click the database name on Permissions -> Data lake permissions, I get an access denied error saying I don’t have "glue:GetDatabase on resource: ###########" but I am using an admin account and when trying using IAM Access Simulator I get no problem. Does anyone have an Idea of what might be the issue here?

Thank you for your help ๐Ÿ™‚

tried the IAM access simulator, refreshing the screen, removing cache. I have granted access in the Source Account to the target account with "Super" permissions.



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    I figured out the issue, I did not remove the IAMAllowedPrincipals on the source accounts database. Once removing this I was able to see and query the database and its associated tables.

  2. looks like lakeformation admin issue. Did you tried adding your admin account as lakeformation admin

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