i have a python script in which i have included a handler like this [lambda_handler] (https://phpout.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/ZLcFG.png) and i have a dockerfileDockerFile used to build image which i am using to make a container image which is pushed to ECR and used to make a lambda function.
The problem is i am getting is
"errorType": "Runtime.InvalidEntrypoint",
"errorMessage": "RequestId: 86339395-a02e-4122-b54e-9f80a7bfbd40 Error: exec: "lambda_function.lambda_handler": executable file not found in $PATH"
i am just not sure what to put as the entry point. i have tried different solution like changing the architecture and build
as i am using a M2 MAC i thought the architecture might be the problem and changed the build
docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64 -t lambda-function .
and tried but still getting the invalid entry when tested in lambda
As per AWS documentation you will need to move the "handler" file to Root Path. Which is defined with "${LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT}".
Use the COPY command to copy the function code and runtime dependencies to {LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT}, a Lambda-defined environment variable.
AWS Documentation: Python Deployment with Container Images
Thus, the Dockerfile should look like:
It seems like the error you’re encountering is related to the entry point specified for your Lambda function . Lambda expects the entry point to be a Python file and a function within that file , but it seems like it’s unable to find the executable file named lambda_function.lambda_handler .