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In the AWS console there is an option to change the lambda log format between text and JSON under Configuration > Monitoring and operations tools > Logging configuration > Log format. It appears to be defaulting to Text and I want to update it to JSON for all my lambda functions. The functions are currently completely managed with Terraform but I don’t see any option in the provider documentation for this setting in Terraform. Am I missing something or does Terraform not support this setting? Any other options besides something like explicitly setting it using the API?

I reviewed terraform provider lambda documentation and terraform provider cloudwatch log group documentation. I did not find any relevant settings.



  1. Amazon added this log configuration feature to AWS Lambda only 5 days ago. The Terraform AWS Provider does not support this new feature yet. There is an issue you can upvote and track here, to add the feature.

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  2. You can use the awscc provider for that, it seems it is already available:

    application_log_level (String) Application log granularity level, can only be used when LogFormat is set to JSON

    log_format (String) Log delivery format for the lambda function

    log_group (String) The log group name.

    system_log_level (String) System log granularity level, can only be used when LogFormat is set to JSON

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