I need to update the runtime value from nodejs14 to nodejs16. When I update the runtime of my terraform runtime value into nodejs16.x its giving the following error.
expected runtime to be one of [nodejs nodejs4.3 nodejs6.10 nodejs8.10 nodejs10.x nodejs12.x nodejs14.x java8 java8.al2 java11 python2.7 python3.6 python3.7 python3.8 python3.9 dotnetcore1.0 dotnetcore2.0 dotnetcore2.1 dotnetcore3.1 nodejs4.3-edge go1.x ruby2.5 ruby2.7 provided provided.al2], got nodejs16.x
changed the runtime value into nodejs16.x , aws cli new version wasn't installed, upgraded that. then I used aws provider version value as 4.15.0, this will give you error when we run terraform init. then you have to give command 'terraform init -upgrade. then the aws provider will be upgraded to the required one, this time the error was gone and nodejs16.x is valid
nodejs16.x support has been added to v3.75.2 and v4.x AWS provider versions
Check your AWS provider version in your terraform code and update it.