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Would like to figure out how I can get to know if PITR is enabled.

for AWS Java.

checked for PointInTimeRecoverySpecification but no succes. Neither did using TableDescription.



  1. According to the documentation, you can use DescribeContineousBackupsRequest:

    Checks the status of continuous backups and point in time recovery on
    the specified table. Continuous backups are ENABLED on all tables at
    table creation. If point in time recovery is enabled,
    PointInTimeRecoveryStatus will be set to ENABLED.

    After continuous backups and point in time recovery are enabled, you
    can restore to any point in time within EarliestRestorableDateTime and

    LatestRestorableDateTime is typically 5 minutes before the current
    time. You can restore your table to any point in time during the last
    35 days.

    You can call DescribeContinuousBackups at a maximum rate of 10 times
    per second.

    DescribeContinuousBackupsRequest backupsRequest =
            DescribeContinuousBackupsResponse backupsResponse = dbClient.describeContinuousBackups(backupsRequest);
            if(backupsResponse.continuousBackupsDescription().pointInTimeRecoveryDescription().pointInTimeRecoveryStatus().equals("DISABLED")) {
                result = "false";
                failReason = "Continuous Backup is not enabled for DynamoDB Tables."
                        + "DynamoDB table without backup can result in accidental data loss. Your AWS DynamoDB tables should make use of Point-in-time Recovery "
                        + "(PITR) feature in order to automatically take continuous backups of your DynamoDB data.";
                offenders.add("Table Name: " + tablesResponse.tableNames());


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  2. DescribeContinuousBackupsRequest backupsRequest = DescribeContinuousBackupsRequest
    DescribeContinuousBackupsResponse backupsResponse = dbClient.describeContinuousBackups(backupsRequest);
    if(backupsResponse.continuousBackupsDescription().pointInTimeRecoveryDescription().pointInTimeRecoveryStatus().equals("DISABLED")) {
       result = "false";
       failReason = "Continuous Backup is not enabled for DynamoDB Tables."
             + "DynamoDB table without backup can result in accidental data loss. Your AWS DynamoDB tables should make use of Point-in-time Recovery "
             + "(PITR) feature in order to automatically take continuous backups of your DynamoDB data.";
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