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I have downloaded the AWS glue script from my Dev environment by clicking "Download" as a JSON file which include Job parameter and other info as well other than the code.

When i upload to my production environment by clicking "uplaod" for the json file. It succeed and all the job parameters are set automatically like DEV. However, when I clicked "Save", Error pops up

uploading error screenshot

My IAM role below:

IAM role

My S3 bucket policy:

S3 bucket policy

I am the bucket owner as well.

enter image description here

why am i failed?

Thanks a lot. It annoyed me for a week.

Please tell me where i am wrong and how can i fix it



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    i have found that the ARN of the JSON file in different environment are different. So I tried to change it and upload to different environment and successful. Thank you for your attention and I will close this quetsion.

  2. In your S3 bucket policy, I saw you had "Principal": {"Service": ""}, you’re granting permissions to the AWS Glue service to perform certain actions on your S3 bucket

    Maybe you have to grant access to that AWS service or yourself.
    Try adding "Principal": "*" to your S3 bucket policy and check if it’s working.

    If it is, you need to grant access to your IAM user or the service role you’re using for that operation.

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