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Is it possible to somehow grant permissions to ALL available databases in Lake Formation? Using the AWS UI I’m able to grant permission to individual databases. However I’m looking for a way to grant permissions to all available databases. Is that possible somehow?



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    Figured out how to use the CLI for that for individual databases. However, AWS confirms theres no API available for batch processing. Anyway this can be modified in a batch script or whatever one prefers to make it work in a batch style:

    aws lakeformation grant-permissions --profile <your-profile> --principal '{"DataLakePrincipalIdentifier": "arn:aws:iam::<account-id>:role/<role>"}' --resource '{"Database": {"Name": "<database-name>", "CatalogId": "<account-id>"}}' --permissions ALL --permissions-with-grant-option ALL

  2. Use tags

    Create a tag "admin": "true" (or anything else more suitable for your need)
    Associate this tag to all db ( no need to associate table, they will inherit the tag value from their db)
    grant desired permissions on this tag to your user/role.

    Benfit : any new db or tables tagged with this tag key/value will be accessible

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