"When attempting to create an AWS pipeline, I am encountering an issue where it fails during the Codedeploy phase and presents the error message: ‘Tags cannot be empty’."
This is normal when deployment group associated with pipeline does not have any tags associated with it. Add one or more tags to your deployment group in the AWS CodeDeploy console:
go to the CodeDeploy console
choose the deployment group associated with pipeline – edit
scroll down to the "Tags" section and add tags – save changes
This is normal when deployment group associated with pipeline does not have any tags associated with it. Add one or more tags to your deployment group in the AWS CodeDeploy console:
After adding the tags, rerun your pipeline again.
When you look at groups to deploy to CodeDeploy, you can choose to deploy to EC2, autoscaling groups, or ECS/Lambda.
You use an AWS resource tag to specify the target for deployment, but it doesn’t appear to be specified, or if it is, there is no target resource.