I’d like to add file size validation to our signed urls, making sure the client uploads a file of exactly the size I signed it with.
However, when I do this :
"conditions": [
{"acl": "public-read"},
.... ,
["content-length-range", 1024, 1024]
For small files, it works.
But a bit larger files, for example 25mb, it results in EntityTooSmall error.
It starts working only if I set the minimum to 0 like this :
["content-length-range", 0, 1024]
But I want to enforce a specific file size, and not a range.
Does S3 not support exact file size match?
Here’s the full code I compiled in Python :
# Create an S3 client
s3 = boto3.client(
# Specify the bucket name
bucket_name = 'my_bucket'
# Specify the file name
file_name = 'SampleJPGImage_30mbmb.jpeg'
# Get the file size in bytes
file_size = os.path.getsize(file_name)
# Use the file size and content
print("File size:", file_size, "bytes") # Should be 30789588
# Specify the desired file size in bytes
file_size_min = file_size
file_size_max = file_size
# Sign the policy with your AWS secret key
signedPolicy = s3.generate_presigned_post(
"acl": "public-read",
"key": file_name,
{"acl": "public-read"},
{"key": file_name},
["content-length-range", file_size_min, file_size_max]
# Use the signed policy to upload the file
with open(file_name, 'rb') as f:
resp = requests.post(signedPolicy['url'], data=signedPolicy['fields'], files={'file': f})
Unfortunately, no. You can specify only a range. I would check if the file size limit is specified correctly. This error likely indicates that the calculation wasn’t right.
To test it further, I’d suggest generating a file with the exact size using e.g. dd tool, like this
Then try to upload it. In this case, your range must be [26214400,26214400].
I managed to test with Postman an exact file size and everything is working correctly.
The condition that I used is:
I downloaded the 30MB file from here: https://sample-videos.com/download-sample-jpg-image.php
When I change the size of the content length to 30789587 I get the following:
And with a content length of 30789589:
Test with the same file I used and let’s see if it works for you.
Executing the Python code to DigitalOcean Spaces gave the same error: EntityTooSmall without any other information.
Executing the same code to AWS S3 is working correctly. Also, the error message, when I change the range, is more useful.
It seems something with the range is not implemented correctly in DigitalOcean Spaces