I want to allow only ONE lambda (arn:aws:lambda:ap-southeast-2:444455556666:function:source-lambda
) function to send messages to my SQS queue (arn:aws:sqs:ap-southeast-2:444455556666:target-sqs
). So I attached the below Access Policy to my SQS queue. However, this policy is not allowing the specified Lambda to send messages to the SQS queue, and returning AccessDenied
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Id": "Policy1666948352567",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "Stmt1666948347116",
"Effect": "Deny",
"Principal": "*",
"Action": "sqs:SendMessage",
"Resource": "arn:aws:sqs:ap-southeast-2:444455556666:target-sqs",
"Condition": {
"ArnNotEquals": {
"aws:SourceArn": "arn:aws:lambda:ap-southeast-2:444455556666:function:source-lambda"
Problem :
Policy rules follow, this Priority
Here in your policy, you have defined explicit denied for all other resources which are not
But you haven’t explicitly allowed the lambda to send a message to that SQS, so Implicit deny applied and hence you are receiving
Access Denied
Solution :
Why don’t you use
"Effect": "Allow",
, this will satisfy your use case by only allowing that specific lambda to send a message.I was able to implement similar restrictions using the following SQS Access policy:
It may not be the best way to implement this restriction, but at least it works.