I have the following lambda function in NodeJs 14.x
using AWS SDK V3
for a timestream insertion process:
'use strict'
// https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSJavaScriptSDK/v3/latest/clients/client-timestream-write/index.html
const { TimestreamWriteClient } = require("@aws-sdk/client-timestream-write")
const client = new TimestreamWriteClient({ region: process.env.region })
module.exports.fnPostElectricityTimestream = async event => {
try {
console.log('π START fnPostElectricityTimestream')
const jsonBody = event
const topic = jsonBody.topic
const arrTopic = topic.split('/')
let dbName = arrTopic[4]
dbName = 'smaj56g' //Test
const currentTime = Date.now().toString() // Unix time in milliseconds get jsonBody.e_timestamp
const e_timestamp = (jsonBody.e_timestamp)*1000
const dimensions = [{
'Name': 'n',
'Value': 'v'
const e_ch_1 = {
'MeasureName': 'e_ch_1',
'MeasureValue': '[1,2,3]',
'MeasureValueType': 'VARCHAR',
'Time': currentTime
const records = [e_ch_1]
const params = {
DatabaseName: dbName,
Records: records
const data = await client.send(params);
console.log('data', data)
return {
message: ''
} catch (error) {
console.log('π fnPostElectricityTimestream - error.stack:', error.stack)
return {
message: error.stack
When I run the lambda this is the message I am getting:
2022-08-12T14:58:39.496Z e578a391-06b4-48a9-9f9d-9440a373c19e INFO π fnPostElectricityTimestream - error.stack: TypeError: command.resolveMiddleware is not a function
at TimestreamWriteClient.send (/var/task/node_modules/@aws-sdk/smithy-client/dist-cjs/client.js:13:33)
at Runtime.module.exports.fnPostElectricityTimestream [as handler] (/var/task/src/ElectricityTimestream/fnPostElectricityTimestream.js:38:31)
at Runtime.handleOnceNonStreaming (/var/runtime/Runtime.js:73:25)
There is something with const data = await client.send(params)
I am following the asyncawait
code in this documentation.
How to solve this issue?
you need to create a command before calling send.
For example:
Your current insertion code is wrong. In order to write the records in the
, you need to use theWriteRecordsCommand
command. Refer to the doc for a better understanding. Sample code: