can anyone help me with this code im trying to create an instance for an ec2 machine using Golang and aws sdk i keep getting an error
Couldn’t create new instance: NoCredentialProviders: no valid providers in chain. Deprecated.
For verbose messaging see aws.Config.CredentialsChainVerboseErrors
Process finished with the exit code 0
im really new to aws so any help or pointers tutorials or anything like this would be awesome.
package main
import (
func CreateInstance(client *ec2.EC2, imageId string, minCount int, maxCount int, instanceType string, keyName string) (*ec2.Reservation, error) {
res, err := client.RunInstances(&ec2.RunInstancesInput{
ImageId: aws.String(imageId),
MinCount: aws.Int64(int64(minCount)),
MaxCount: aws.Int64(int64(maxCount)),
InstanceType: aws.String(instanceType),
KeyName: aws.String(keyName),
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return res, nil
func main() {
sess, err := session.NewSessionWithOptions(session.Options{
Profile: "default",
Config: aws.Config{
Region: aws.String("us-west-2"),
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Failed to initialize new session: %v", err)
ec2Client := ec2.New(sess)
keyName := "ec2--teamspeak"
instanceType := "t4g.nano"
minCount := 1
maxCount := 1
imageId := "ami-0b0154d3d8011b0cd"
newInstance, err := CreateInstance(ec2Client, imageId, minCount, maxCount, instanceType, keyName)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Couldn't create new instance: %v", err)
fmt.Printf("Created new instance: %vn", newInstance.Instances)
i have tried many examples. I added environment setting using xset for windows to set variables .
but I’m really struggling. this is a hobbies but im really stuck here
Ensure you have the AWS CLI installed and configured with the proper credentials.
1.Install the AWS CLI if you haven’t already:
2.Run aws configure to set up the credentials. You’ll be prompted to enter your AWS Access Key ID, AWS Secret Access Key, Default region name, and Default output format.
It’s due to the SDK cannot find the credentials for authenticating with AWS. The issue can be resolved by setting the aws environment variables.
See Specifying Credentials session
The provider chain looks for credentials in the following order.
Or You can provide the credentials directly in the code
But in general, it is not recommended to hard-code credentials in your code, instead use other credentials methods.