I have a central AWS account that I am running some AMI builds in with Packer. I have a secondary account where I also need to run builds in on occasion but I can only afford to keep my CI/CD servers running in one account. That being said, I am trying to create a restrictive security group to only allow inbound SSH access to the cross-account temporary packer instance from the security group of my CI/CD server in the central account.
I have tried using the cross-account ID as a prefix in the source_security_group_id
argument in the aws_security_group_rule
resource block like so: source_security_group_id = "12345678910:sg-0a32d4ae223c46901"
The plan runs fine, however, terraform apply
fails with the following error:
"Error: authorizing Security Group (sg-00ff5f609744440ad)
Rule (sgrule-3017511228345): InvalidGroupId.Malformed:
Invalid id: "12345678910:sg-0a32d4ae223c46901"
(expecting "sg-...") status code: 400, request id: xyz"
When I pass in the raw SG id without the account prefix, it also fails with a Security group not found
error as TF obviously only knows to look for said SG in the secondary account, not the central account.
resource "aws_security_group" "builder_sg" {
name = "Builder-Dev-SG"
description = "SG for dev account builds"
vpc_id = data.aws_vpc.staging_vpc.id
resource "aws_security_group_rule" "builder_sg_ingress_0" {
security_group_id = aws_security_group.builder_sg.id
description = "Allow SSH from central account"
type = "ingress"
protocol = "tcp"
from_port = 22
to_port = 22
# Only allow SSH from cross-account CI/CD SG
# Format: <cross-account-id:sg-id>
source_security_group_id = "12345678910:sg-0a32d4ae223c46901"
Is there another way to accomplish this in a simple fashion?
This is the valid security group id
Pass that alone.
Instead of
. So your source security group should be"12345678910/sg-0a32d4ae223c46901"
.In such situations, I recommend you try out on AWS manually first to debug or ensure your arguments are correct.