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I have a task definition json file which is created via a templatefile.

Something like the below:

data "template_file" "task_definition" {
  templatefile = file("${path.module}/templates/task-definition.json")

  vars {
    environment = var.environment

Within the json file (aka the task definition), I have some variables which could be a list. However the app expects them to be split. Something like the below:

        "name": "MyEnvironmentVariable:0",
        "value": "123"
        "name": "MyEnvironmentVariable:1",
        "value": "456"

In Production, there could be 10 of these (i.e. go all the way up to MyEnvironmentVariable:10), but in some testing environments it could be 2 or even 0.

How can I handle that use-case?



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    I ended up taking a slightly different approach which I think is more readable in the long-run, especially to people who may not have worked with Terraform before.

    I basically removed all the environment variables from the template (instead of a half/half situation I was getting into originally):

    "environment": ${task_def_environment_vars},

    I passed a local of all the environment variables I needed:

    task_def_environment_vars = jsonencode(local.task_def_environment_vars),

    And created that list by combining two lists:

    task_def_environment_vars = concat(local.common_task_def_environment_vars, var.specific_task_def_environment_vars)

    One list is common across all environments so no need for duplication. This can be predictable variables or hard-coded values that I want to be consistent across environments/workspaces.

    The other list is a specific set of variables depending on which environment/workspace. These are for variables which may exist for dev/qa builds but are not present in production and vice-versa. This list is stored in variables/ folder which contains different files for different environments/workspaces and is selected at runtime.

  2. There are some details missing from your question so I’m making some assumptions.

    First, it sounds like your "environment" input variable is a map of lists of strings:

    variable "environment" {
      type = map(list(string))

    The JSON file you need to generate here needs to to flatten this into a single-level list while appending the indices to avoid conflicts between multiple values of the same name.

    The following expression should get the data structure you need:

    locals {
      environment_flat = tolist(flatten([
        for name, values in var.environment : [
          for i, value in values : {
            name  = length(values) > 1 ? "${name}:${i}" : name
            value = value

    You can access this data structure elsewhere in you module using local.environment_flat.

    The template_file data source from the hashicorp/template provider has been obsolete since 2019 so you should not use it as part of any modern Terraform module.

    If you want to generate JSON then I would suggest using the jsonencode function.

    If your JSON data structure is complicated enough for it to be helpful to write the expression that generates it in a separate file then you can use the templatefile function as modern a replacement for the template_file data source. If you choose this option, please refer to Generating JSON or YAML from a Template to see how to write a jsonencode call inside your external template file, so that you can avoid generating JSON by string concatenation.

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