I am currently trying out Amazon Connect and want to setup a Lambda function to send email notification when a call is disconnected because it was unattended by an agent.
Also in the contact flow where do I invoke the Lambda function?
I currently have this python Lambda function:
import json
import boto3
def lambda_handler(event, context):
# Extract the necessary information from the event payload
contact_id = event['Details']['ContactData']['ContactId']
disconnect_reason = event['Details']['ContactData']['DisconnectReasons'][0]
# Check if the call was disconnected due to being unattended
if disconnect_reason == 'CONTACT_FLOW_DISCONNECTED':
disconnect_cause = event['Details']['ContactData']['Attributes']['DisconnectCause']
if disconnect_cause == 'unattended':
# Construct the email message
subject = f"Missed call from contact ID {contact_id}"
body = f"The call from contact ID {contact_id} was disconnected and unattended."
sender = '[email protected]'
recipient = '[email protected]'
# Send the email using Amazon SES
client = boto3.client('ses')
response = client.send_email(
'ToAddresses': [
'Body': {
'Text': {
'Charset': 'UTF-8',
'Data': body,
'Subject': {
'Charset': 'UTF-8',
'Data': subject,
# Log the response from Amazon SES
Not sure if it’s correct.
Thank you.
There is a disconnect-flow, where you can invoke this function:
However, in my opinion best way to invoke that Lambda function would be EventBridge:
You can create a rule in EventBridge and then set it as a trigger in your Lambda function.
You’ll need to define a rule on EventBridge and capture disconnected calls with AgentConnectionAttempts > 0. I’m not sure if the code snippet will work; specifically this bit – ‘disconnect_cause == ‘unattended’’