When trying to run one of the Neptune-ML examples in a notebook instance
when running the line
endpoints=neptune_ml.setup_pretrained_endpoints(s3_bucket_uri, setup_node_classification, setup_node_regression, setup_link_prediction, setup_edge_classification, setup_edge_regression)
it returns None, and I can see the following error in the logs:
ERROR:root:Unable to determine the Neptune ML IAM Role.
I guess this is related to roles and permissions but I cannot find anything in the documentation(I followed the official documentation when doing setup).
Question is: how to solve this issue or how to debug it?
Your Neptune cluster should have a cluster parameter group assigned to it that has the
parameter defined. It is this role that is being used.This is likely because the notebook instance doesn’t have the NeptuneML IAM role parameter set as an environment variable.
Try running
export NEPTUNE_ML_ROLE_ARN=<your neptune ml role arn>
in the terminal of the notebook instance you’re using. Alternatively you can add that to the .bashrc file on the notebook instance.