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I have a scala spark code that writes a json file with file name as part-*.json for example (part-00000-14732361-f017-468a-b948-22d3b6d460dc-c000.json).

I want to do
s3.doesObjectExist(buckey, key) where bucket = xyz and key = abc/def/part-*.json.

Looks like s3 doesn’t support wildcard search. What is the best way for me to do
s3.doesObjectExist(buckey, key) when I don’t know the exact file name in S3? There is always only one such json file stored as part-*.json.

Please help thanks!



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    I did a workaround

    val bucket = "xyz"
    val fileNamePrefix = "abc/def/part"
    val key = s3.listObjectsV2(bucket,fileNamePrefix).getObjectSummaries.get(0).getKey

    Since I mentioned there only one such file, the above code helped me get the entire key with full file name that I use.

  2. Its not possible to do it with AWS API. You have to download the list of objects yourself and do the filtering on your own side. If you have lots of objects, you can request S3 Inventory to get the list and filter that.

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