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I deployed a Server on AWS EC2 instance. UI part is deployed on S3 bucket as a static website. After send a POST request from S3 to EC2 instance I get strict-origin-when-cross-origin error. The back-end app was created on Nest.js and CORS is already enabled.

Can somebody explain what I do wrong? 🤯



UI with error


Nest.js part

async function bootstrap() {
    const appOptions = { bodyParser: false }
    const app = await NestFactory.create(AppModule, appOptions)

    app.useWebSocketAdapter(new RedisIoAdapter(app))

    app.useGlobalPipes(new ValidationPipe({ transform: true }))

    app.use(bodyParser.json({ limit: '10mb', verify: rawBodyBuffer }))
    app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ limit: '20mb', extended: true, verify: rawBodyBuffer }))

    await app.listen(3000)



  1. I think this could be an issue of https ans http different.

    Your website is
    That mean front is using an https protocal to secure a communication between server.
    But the Server is not using a https protocal.
    So It could case cors error

    There’s a way to apply an https on AWS

    Use Rout53 and Certificate Manager.

    These two will help to use https to you ec2

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  2. I had the similar issue a few weeks ago. It’s a problem with AWS health checks.

    Try to add GET / route if you don’t have it yet. Hope it helped you.

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