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I have a DF column which is a long strings with comma separated values, like:

  • 2000,2001,2002:a,2003=b,2004,100,101,500,20
  • 101,102,20

What I want to do is to create a new Array<Int> column out of it where:

  1. only values starting with 2 are included
  2. when a value has additional delimiter then only the first part will be returned (e.g. 2002)
  3. some specific values will be excluded (let’s say value = 20)
  4. if the array is empty it should be filled with a default value (let’s say [199])

So basically the 2 test strings should be returned as:

stringColumn arrayColumn
2000,2001,2002:a,2003=b,2004,100,101,500,20 [2000,2001,2002,2003,2004]
101,102,20 [199]



  1. Just divide the problem into subproblems:
    a) split string to substrings
    b) try to find the number in every substring
    c) if number is in substring then check if it meets the conditions


    import re
    pattern = r'2[0-9]*'
    excluded = (20, )
    long_str = "2000,2001,2002:a,2003=b,2004,100,101,500,20"
    def foo(l_str: str, pattern=pattern, excluded=excluded):
        result = []
        for num in l_str.split(','):
            search_res =, num)
            if search_res and
                    (x := int( not in excluded:
        return result
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  2. I would prefer a custom user defined function to extract and filter values. Here is an approach:

    import re
    def find_all(s):
        exclude = ['20']
        items = re.findall(r'b(2d+)b', s)
        return [int(x) for x in items if x not in exclude] or [199]
    df = df.withColumn('arrayColumn', find_all('stringColumn'))

    |        stringColumn|         arrayColumn|
    |2000,2001,2002:a,...|[2000, 2001, 2002...|
    |          101,102,20|               [199]|
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