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I query ‘product’ on one of my screens using the following function

const getProduct = async () => {

await DataStore.query(Product, c=>c.userID("eq", userId)).then(setProducts)

But what I want is to display something like an activity indicator and wait for the query to finish and then display the products. How can I do this?



  1. Your code above should be inside a useEffect() hook that will run any time the userId changes. That hook can return multiple states: loading, error, the data…

    To get the above in a very well tested, easier to read, package with bells & whistles (e.g. caching), look into React Query.


    function ExampleComponent() {
      const { isLoading, error, data } = useQuery(['products'], () =>
        // fetch data here
      if (isLoading) return 'Loading...'
      if (error) return 'An error has occurred: ' + error.message
      return (
          <!-- map over your data here -->
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  2. There is nothing extra needed to enable indicator, it’s just a visual representation on the client to show that request is in progress. You can enable indicator before query and set it disabled within the setProducts

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