I can connect to the MySQL RDS database using IAM authentication from the SQL command line tool. But the same I need to achieve connections with SQL clients like DBeaver or some other clients. I don’t have the provision of passing tokens in SQL client.
This document explains connecting RDS using MySQL workbench/j but I am unable to download the MySQL workbench/j due to a forbidden error. https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/database/use-iam-authentication-to-connect-with-sql-workbenchj-to-amazon-aurora-mysql-or-amazon-rds-for-mysql/
Could someone help me in connecting RDS using IAM authentication from an SQL client?
If you’re going to use DBeaver
The proper connection details :
In fact you could use the aws rds command to generate each time a new token to use as your password to authenticate the database. But since you want to do it with deaver, looks like its available (https://dbeaver.com/docs/wiki/AWS-Credentials/) but only in Enterprise edition (not the community edition)