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I have a simple spring boot app which has just 2 rest controllers and I am exporting the war for the same.
I am deploying the same war using the tomcat manager on EC2 instance on AWS, but unfortunately I am getting http status 404 when trying to hit the API.

URL that I am trying to hit is –

[public IP shared by AWS]:[port number on which tomcat is running:8080]/[context route which is the name of my war file]/[my mapped urls]


My Controller class

public class TestController {

    public String returnCode() {
        return "returning code";

    public String returnReceivedCode(@RequestParam String code) {
        return code;


My pom.xml

        <relativePath/> <!-- lookup parent from repository -->
    <description>Demo project for Spring Boot</description>

I tried with java version 8 as well, the tomcat version that I have on my EC2 instance is 9 (apache-tomcat-9.0.70)

I also tried getting one sample war application that tomcat shares for the testing purpose –

But surprisingly, this is working fine which tells me that my tomcat and java installations don’t have any issues.

Any help would be appreciated.



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    As highlighted by @khmarbaise above, I was using spring boot 3.0.0 but I had java 8 installed on my EC2 instance and spring boot 3.0.0 requires java version 17+, and that is why I was getting 404 when hitting my APIs.

    After downgrading my spring boot version to 2.7.6 I am able to get a corresponding response from the APIs.

    Also, as mentioned by other comments regarding the use of "/", omitting the slash was not an issue as the slash is an optional parameter.


  2. You have to add a "/" before "code"

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  3. you forgot to add / for your path in controller methods because of you use path:


    instead /login/code

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