After converting a Plotly graph to an HTML Page by this code:
import plotly
import as px
df =
fig = px.line(df, x='date', y="GOOG")
plotly.offline.plot(fig , filename = 'filename.html', auto_open=False)
How can I store this HTML Page on an S3 bucket?
I tried this code:
fig.write_html('testPage.html', auto_play=False)
But I’m getting this error:
Read-only file system: 'testPage.html'
To get the latest code examples of all AWS SDKs, including Python, look at the new AWS Code Library here:
You will find hundreds of code examples in many different programming languages. Included in this doc is how to perform Amazon S3 operations using the AWS SDK for Python.
The Code Library is not the old Code Catelog – its the replacement.
Your code to upload an object using Python SDK is here:
See this topic.
Assuming you are running this into a lambda:
Make sure the lambda has the right permission in place to upload the file into the s3 bucket.