In AWS, to gain access to our RDS instance we setup a dedicated EC2 bastion host that we securely access by invoking the SSM Agent in the EC2 dashboard.
This is done by writing a shell script after connecting to the bastion host, now the script usually disappears after a certain time(?). So, is there any way to create this file using CDK when I create the bastion host?
I tried using CFN.init but to no avail.
this.bastionHost = new BastionHostLinux(this, "BastionHost", {
vpc: inspireStack.vpc,
subnetSelection: { subnetType: SubnetType.PRIVATE_WITH_NAT },
instanceType: InstanceType.of(InstanceClass.T2, InstanceSize.MICRO),
init: CloudFormationInit.fromConfigSets({
configSets: {
default: ["install"],
configs: {
install: new InitConfig([
InitCommand.shellCommand("cd ~"),
InitFile.fromString("", "testing 123"),
InitCommand.shellCommand("chmod +x"),
You can write files to an EC2 instance with cloud-init. Either from an existing file or directly from the TS (a json for instance)
I see there are three simple workarounds:
Regarding disappearing file – it’s strange… This CDK construct is similar to Instance, try to use it instead, and create your script with user-data.