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I know this question has appeared multiple times on SO, but NONE of the answers helped, here’s a list of what I’ve tried before:

  • restarting the IDE
  • invalidating the caches / rebuilding project
  • wiping data & cold booting the emulator
  • changing the gate and IP adress of the emulator (inside the wifi settings)
  • .emulator.exe -avd avd_device_name -dns-server (the command with the correct avd_device_name, run inside the emulator folder)
  • airplane mode
  • Restarting my pc and my modem
  • Creating a different emulator
  • removing all files from .android dir
  • restarting the adb-server
  • cold-booting 8 times in a row
  • Changing the DNS of the host machine
  • Restarting the emulator "a couple of times"
  • toggling the wi-fi button
  • literally reinstalling android studio (currently running the newest version, it changed nothing)
  • downgrading android studio
  • <- don’t know how to even describe that one, but I tried it
  • checking the "Use Android Studio HTTP proxy settings" option

I am not using a VPN, the emulator was working fine yesterday (things went wrong after shutting down the pc and starting it up again I guess?), I am not using a LAN connection

I’m starting the question again to seek help cause I’ve spent the last 15 hours on this and IT’S STILL NOT WORKING 🙁

I would normally just reinstall all of the OS (currently: Windows 11) (I’m not patient at all XD), but that’s the company machine and I doubt that I have the "necessary powers" if you know what I mean

I’ve got an OS reinstall, the emulator worked fine on the company’s wifi, but when I went back home it happened again, so it might be a network problem? (I’ve got a personal pc on the same network and the emulator on that pc works like a charm, I’m so confused)



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    Finally managed to solve the issue! (but this post is still open to other solutions, cause definitevely I got lucky and there could be many other issues that would lead to the same problems)

    After getting a fresh install of my OS and trying it out on the company network it was working as it is supposed to do, but when I took the pc home and started it up... the same stuff happened, now I was sure that it was not a hardware problem, nor a "windows related" (drivers etc.) problem, so the only thing left was the firewall (and/or other software that may interrupt the internet flow), I went into the wifi settings and marked my wi-fi as "private" (not public), cold booted the emulator and it finally worked!

    (side note: Solving this took me about 4 days...)

  2. It is my solution when I encounter this problem:
    I shut down the emulator using the long click on the power button and select the power off on the screen like so:

    enter image description here

    Then I press the x button (close the emulator) immediately during the shutdown process.

    enter image description here

    Make sure you do not have any active VPN and start your emulator again using Android Studio.

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  3. There could be multiple causes, but a common cause of connectivity issues for emulators on both macOS and Windows is DNS settings against the IP address of the network connection on the host computer.

    I have also known this to impact outbound connections from local Kubernetes clusters on Windows computers. A while back, it took me days of head scratching to resolve the Kubernetes problem.

    I recently had a related emulator issue on macOS, where only the simulated 3G T-Mobile connection worked, and not the simulated Wifi. I looked at my host computer’s network connection on macOS and it included only I then added, as suggested in this answer, and it resolved the problem.

    enter image description hereenter image description here

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