Trying to implement the notification permission for android 13 or "Tiramisu" but failed to get the import for that permission.
targeted SDK version is 32
compile SDK version is 32
I’ve declared it also in manifiest as below:
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.POST_NOTIFICATIONS"
import i’m using:
import android.Manifest
- But even not getting import in my fragment.
I faced the same problem,
Steps to fix :
Install SDK Platforms
SDK Platform 33
Android TiramisuPrivacy Sandbox Preview
Install SDK Tools :
Android SDK build Tools 33
I solved it by using compileSdkVersion 33 in the gradle file at the Module level. Then it allowed me to use the POST_NOTIFICATIONS permission without any issue.
Just add this import:
Set targetSDKVersion to 33.
If for some reason it complains about your minimum supported and you’re in no position to update, use the following instead:
You need to prefix the Manifest statement with android., e.g.,