after have created an icon for the app, android studio is avoiding it when I generate the apk file for release.
error: resource mipmap/ic_launcher (aka com.example.elrestaurante:mipmap/ic_launcher) not found.
error: resource mipmap/ic_launcher_round (aka com.example.elrestaurante:mipmap/ic_launcher_round) not found
My project has a git repo. Something rare happens when I do click over each file generated inside mipmap (this disappear), here you can see the issue. is a git repo conflict?
Here are the files:
I generated the icon from file->new->Image Asset.. and also I tested creating the icon doing right click over the res folder then new->Image Asset.
I will appreciate any idea to fix this problem.
thanks so much,
To be honest, you can delete
and andic_launcher
directory, and then add the Image Asset again, that’s what I’ve always been doing, cause for whatever reason if you add an image asset and another one exist, the previous one is not removed sometimesTry This
you are put all icons in debug folder remove them from debug folder and put them outside
debug folder assets only work when you are app running in debug bug release time it’s getting errors because the app can’t find assets
folder structure like this shown in the below image
Check your folder structure where the files are located. As it shows debug, check whether there is debug and main in src folder.