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After Update android studio dolphin my old projects xml preview not showing views. Is anyone facing same issue? And have done solution then please share it here.
It’s run perfectly fine but preview not working.

What I did tried?

  • File -> Invalidate Cashes / Restart
  • Delete build , idea , gradle folder
  • Restart PC and android studio

but none of that solved my problem.

error image
not showing



  1. I ran into a similar issue when upgrading to Dolphin. I was able to solve this by changing the preview’s theme from App.Starting [default] to my app’s theme.

    enter image description here

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  2. Repair IDE

    Have you try to using Repair IDE? It works for me

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  3. In my case, I have upgraded the project AGP (Android Gradle Plugin) and then restart the android studio.

    Problem Solved.

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  4. Try to update the gradle and sync files. It work for me.

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  5. I’m suffering from same issue/bug. What I did so far?

    Attempt 1

    • File -> Sync Project with gradle files
    • File -> Invalid catch and Restart.
    • Delete build folder idea and .gradle folder.
    • Restart Android studio and restarted my pc as well.
      This will do solve in one of the my project which is only 5 screen project. But not solved in my other old projects which are more than 5 year old.

    Attempt 2

    Tried all step from attempt 1 Also tried what siregar2103 answered

    • File -> Repair IDE but still have same problem ,But Repair IDE did solve my other project issue/bug.

    Attempt 3

    All from Attempt 1 and 2 but not solve in my main project so I decided to upgrade my years old project to latest one.
    I did upgrade my Gradle from 4.1.3 to 7.3.0
    Update all dependency to latest one but I face many error while doing that.
    Hilt error and other errors too. Which I’m going to mention below.
    For Hilt I did removed all old Hilt related library and and below

    kapt ""     
    kapt ""     
    implementation ""     
    implementation ""     
    implementation 'androidx.hilt:hilt-work:1.0.0'     
    kapt "androidx.hilt:hilt-compiler:1.0.0"     
    implementation 'androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-viewmodel-ktx:2.5.1'     
    implementation "androidx.navigation:navigation-compose:2.5.1"

    In build.gradle file (not .app level)

    • id '' version '2.43.2' apply false

    Important note: I did add implementation "androidx.navigation:navigation-compose:2.5.1" dependency because I got

    java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: CreationExtras must have a value
    by SAVED_STATE_REGISTRY_OWNER_KEY error in runtime.

    Other Error which I faced is

    Exception is:
    lateinit property _buildFeatureValues has not been initialized

    For this I did build gradle using command line and it give me full error which I didn’t get when I directly build don’t know why? But It’s through error related flat dir and aar file so I did removed flat dir code and change aar file implementation code now It’s started to build and my app started to install.
    Now still some of my file not rendering and that because of I’m using custom attr from style so I’m trying to figuring out why it’s happening and I’ll update this answer when I find solution for that.
    So using above my 60% xml files preview start showing in my old projects. For 40% screen I have to change my default theme to custom theme in preview of xml so it can start rendering.

    • Repair IDE
    • Upgrade your code to latest Android Gradle Plugin

    This 2 step should solve your problem. And build using command line for more error related details.

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  6. The XML file in your project may contain an error. The reason may be a font issue or a file not linking correctly with your XML layout.

    This is for your reference on how to find errors.

    This is for your reference on how to find errors.

    Hope you find it useful.

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  7. Check what Layout Inspectors you have enabled in Android Studio and try to let only the API 29-30 inspector active.

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  8. In my case if in xml custom views have used that my preview screen not show views if I remove or comment custom views in xml layout after that the preview screen show other view perfectly

    I know removing custom layouts not solution.

    for solve this issue I do following steps

    First I just update Gradle plugin version to 7.3.0 from setting project structure (No working)

    after that I also update version to 4.3.14

    now every things work fine.

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  9. In my case, I have upgraded Android Gradle Plugin when update is popUp and then restart the android studio.

    My Problem Solved.

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  10. I am looking as well for a soluition till now.
    From what i see, it has something to do with
    AGP or Cardview (Layouts). Many code snipeets relate to this issue.

    I am trying to update the AGP version, but it seems, that the enveronmet is more broken than that.
    I get as well an empty Field for the gradle version and plugin under settings.

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  11. For anyone can not fix this issue, i’m just need to update gradle version and buildtool


    object BuildPlugins {
        object Versions {
            const val buildToolVersion = "7.3.0" //lower version seem not work

    and change to 7.4 in gradle/wrapper/

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