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I don’t know how to stop the emulator. Apparently, there’s supposed to be a stop button but it’s not there?



  1. no stop button in bumblebee I also failed to find a way to stop it pressing the power button for long shows options lockdown poweroff and restart which in my case didnt work checked avd location lock file was created so finally killed it through taskmanager by ending qemu task

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    1. Print a list of your devices:

      adb devices

    2. Kill it using emu

      adb -s emulator-5432 emu kill

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  2. You can close the running Emulator by clicking the x button at the top of the Emulator tab (see image below)

    enter image description here

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  3. I know of no other way than the command line, as @Tian said. Closing the emulator window has no effect as far as I know…
    To add more explanation:

    1. open a terminal window (either the AS one or any other, as long as adb commands are available)

    2. list the running connected devices with: adb devices

    3. identify your emulator in the resulting list (usually in the form of: emulator-5556 device)

    4. now kill the emulator with: adb -s emulator-5556 emu kill (replace the name of your own emulator in the command of course)

    5. You’ll see a confirmation message like OK: killing emulator, bye bye

      enter code here

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  4. You can close the Emulator by clicking the X button at the top of emulator window. I found this answer on another stack overflow thread. There they’ve provided a complete explanation along with the original documentation. If you want you can check out that answer here

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