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I have tried these two libraries in order to make Image Zoomable, but I’m facing the same problem.
This is the error message

Failed to resolve: com.github.MikeOrtiz:TouchImageView:1.4.1
Show in Project Structure dialog
Affected Modules: app

At first, I thought it’s maybe because of Jetpack Compose with Java, Because I tried to use TouchImageView Library as I’ve mentioned here,

implementation ‘com.github.MikeOrtiz:TouchImageView:1.4.1’

for this Library, it was needed to import

maven { url ‘’ }

I did import it to build.gradle project, also there was no allproject in that file, then I tried to import it into settings.gradle as well. in short, I just faced the same error message image is shown below

Gradle Warning/error message image



  1. Go to settings.gradle

    Add this line at bottom: include ':app',':touchview'

    Add maven { url '' } to

    dependencyResolutionManagement {
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  2. Meanwhile, I had the same problem. I have also performed the suggested steps below.

    repositories {
        maven { url '' }

    File -> Invalidate Caches/Restart and so so… I solved this problem by following the steps below:

    1. Open your android project.
    2. Open the under the Gradle Scripts
    3. Add this code
    4. Add the following code build.gradle(Module:app)
      implementation 'com.github.chaosleung:pinview:1.3.1'

    After these steps, the problem was solved and I didn’t need to add the steps like maven mentioned above.

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