I am developing an android studio project and would like to be able to access data from a database sitting on the pc which I am programming from. I would like to use a MySQL database as I have worked with them before. I was wondering if it is possible to do it from android studio. If it is possible what would the code be for me to do it? I have looked through other people’s questions and answers and all of them yield errors for me.
Thanks in advance
I have tried the following and all my ip, port, username and password information is correct but I keep getting the following error: E/Error in connection: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
My code in my connection class after declaring my attributes is as follows
//declaring connection policy
StrictMode.ThreadPolicy policy = new StrictMode.ThreadPolicy.Builder().permitNetwork().build();
Connection connection = null;
String ConnectionURL = null;
//starts actual connection to db
//establishing connection to Database
//all hard coded
ConnectionURL= "jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://"+ ip + ":"+ port+";"+ "databasename="+ database+";user="+uname+";password="+pass+";";
connection = DriverManager.getConnection(ConnectionURL);
//Catches any error in the data
catch (Exception e)
//executes if there is a error connecting to the database
Log.e("Error in connection", e.getMessage());
System.out.println("Error connecting to db");
//returns the connection to the main class
//it will then be sent to the DBmanager class and used to get the data out of the database
return connection;
a direct connection of apps to a mysql server(and for other rdms also) is discouraged, as you need for this to open your database to the internet with a direct access, which is a fatal security risk.
search for
and you will find a lot of tutorials
like this short one https://phppot.com/php/php-mysql-rest-api-for-android/ or this https://www.javahelps.com/2018/12/access-mysql-from-android-through.html
Android Studio will struggle with connecting to a mySQL database. It is often easier to store a sqlite db on the machine itself for this use case.