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I have a Column with a border like this

            modifier = Modifier
                    width = 2.dp,
                    color = colorResource(R.color.appGreen)

That adds border to every side but I don’t want to have border on the top, only want it on bottom, left and right.
Something like this:

enter image description here

Hoe can I do this?? Thanks



  1. The border modifier doesn’t offer the flexibility to exclude specific sides. Instead, you can use drawBehind to draw lines on all sides except the top.

    Here’s the code for your scenario:

            modifier = Modifier
                .drawBehind {
                    val cap = StrokeCap.Round
                    val color = Color.Black
                    val strokeWidth = 2.dp.toPx()
                    val halfStrokeWidth = strokeWidth / 2
                    val width = size.width
                    val height = size.height
                    // Draw left line
                        cap = cap,
                        color = color,
                        strokeWidth = strokeWidth,
                        start = Offset(halfStrokeWidth, halfStrokeWidth),
                        end = Offset(halfStrokeWidth, height - halfStrokeWidth),
                    // Draw bottom line
                        cap = cap,
                        color = color,
                        strokeWidth = strokeWidth,
                        start = Offset(halfStrokeWidth, height - halfStrokeWidth),
                        end = Offset(width - halfStrokeWidth, height - halfStrokeWidth),
                    // Draw right line
                        cap = cap,
                        color = color,
                        strokeWidth = strokeWidth,
                        start = Offset(width - halfStrokeWidth, halfStrokeWidth),
                        end = Offset(width - halfStrokeWidth, height - halfStrokeWidth),
        ) {
            // Your column content here

    result image

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  2. Also you can try this, less code:

            Box(modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth().height(100.dp)) {
                HorizontalDivider(modifier = Modifier.align(Alignment.BottomCenter), thickness = 1.dp, color = Color.Black)
                VerticalDivider(modifier = Modifier.align(Alignment.CenterStart), thickness = 1.dp, color = Color.Black)
                VerticalDivider(modifier = Modifier.align(Alignment.CenterEnd), thickness = 1.dp, color = Color.Black)
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